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Citizen Science - Assess our own shark and ray

Writer's picture: Andhika PrasetyoAndhika Prasetyo

Merangkul semua pengiat hiu dan pari serta pemerhati kelautan dan perikanan untuk berkontribusi dalam mendokumentasikan keanekaragaman di Indonesia hiu, pari, skate dan chimera (Subkelas Elasmobranch)

Citizen science - partisipasi masyarakat untuk mengobservasi hiu, pari, skate dan chimera. Sehingga mampu mempelajari distribusi dan area geografisnya di Perairan Indonesia dan Sekitarnya. Indonesian Elasmobranch Society (IES) dibentuk pada tahun 2016. IES bertujuan untuk mendokumentasikan keanekaragaman hiu, pari, skate dan chimera (Subkelas Elasmobranch) di Indonesia.

--- Call for shark and ray enthusiast as well as marine and fisheries contributor to document the diveristy of elasmobranch in Indonesia...…/indonesian-elasmobranch-socie… Citizen science approach based on observations to studying the sharks, rays, skates and chimeras, their distribution and geographical range into the Indonesia and adjcent waters. The Indonesian Elasmobranch Society (IES) was founded in 2016. The IES aims to document the diversity of living elasmobranch fishes in Indonesia.

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