Andhika Prima PRASETYO
Room 334, Peel Building, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT, UK
E-mail: andhika.prasetyo@kkp.go.id

Professional info
I was associated researcher on Center for Fisheries Research, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources – Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of INDONESIA. I was interest on numerical modelling on fisheries, using relating factors (dependent and independent variable) to decrease uncertainty aspect on fisheries. It was used to figure out prior, current and future conditions as support to fisheries management policy. I also curious about how ocean and atmospheric condition impact to fisheries dynamic on quantitative perspective. Recently I focus on elasmobranch species and marine mammals to investigate appropriate management measure by developing better understanding on biological information and population structure. Currently I am an Industrial Sponsored PhD student in the Mariani lab, School of Environmental and Life Science, at the University of Salford. I am working on genetic approaches to reduce illegal trading of shark and ray products in Indonesia under the supervision of Dr. Allan McDevitt, Dr. Joanna Murray and Prof. Stefano Mariani.
You could check my publication on:
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GeediRYAAAAJ&hl=en
SINTA - Indonesia: http://sinta.ristekbrin.go.id/authors/detail?id=6473301&view=overview

Programming: Pascal, C++, Matlab, R
Web Programming: html, css, phyton
Design: pixel based (Adobe Photoshop), vector based (Corel Draw)
Statistical and Software Analyzer: SPSS, SYS Stat, LINDO, Expert Choice, FiSAT, Sigma Plot.
SEADAS, Er Mapper, Global Mapper, Surfer, Ocean Data View, Arc View, Windrose.
Bogor Agricultural University - INDONESIA
2005 - 2009
B.Sc in Fisheries Science
Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization; MajorMarine and Fisheries Management and Technology
Minor Expert System
Graduated: May 2009 (period of studied 3.8 years)
Classes Attended In
Major: Calculus, Mathematics, Oceanography, Ichthyology, Statistical Method, Fishing Gear, Fishing Gear Operation, Underwater Observation Method, Fishing Gear Technology, Fishing Vessel, Fishing Vessel Navigation, Seamanship, Fishing Ground, Fishing Management, Exploitation of Fishing, Fishing Port, Dynamic of Fishing Vessel, Analyze System and Information System of Capture Fisheries Management, Planning dan Optimizing Capture Fisheries Industry.
Minor: Algorithm and Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Quantitative Method, Expert System, Software Engineering, Introduction of Ocean Remote Sensing, Meteorology
Final Project: Breaking Strength of Polyamide Twine and Netting Twine on Different Condition of Storage
James Cook University - AUSTRALIA
2015 - 2016
M.Sc in Fisheries Biology and Management
James Cook University (JCU)
College of Marine and Environmental Science;
Major Fisheries Biology and Management
Graduated: January 2015 (period of studied 1.5 year)
Classes Attended In
Major: Fisheries Science, Biological Oceanography, Quantitative Methods in Science, Sampling and Experimental Design, Research and Science Communication, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Ecological Dynamics: An Introduction to Modelling
Final Project: Are Marine Predators Photogenic? Video Approaches for Data Deficient Reef-Associated Predators in Indonesia
University of Salford - United Kingdom
2019 - present
Ph.D. in Environmental Studies
University of Salford (UoS)
School of Environment and Life Sciences;
Major Conservation genetic
Status: On-going, started in January 2019
Final Project: Genetic approach to minimize illegal trade of shark products in Indonesia